Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sadism as a Starting Point

The animal rights movement calls bullfights, rodeos, circuses, marine parks and zoos violence in disguise of entertainment.

The truth unfortunately is much worse.
It is entertainment.
The human race is entertained by torture and abuse.

Humans seek for the power and dominance over other species and they enjoy it. There is no other way to explain the amusement children get from brutally murdering a bull or aggressively roping a calf.
Bullfights, circuses and rodeos are some sort of a celebration of humans’ victory over other species, a symbolic display of their tyranny.

We have to comprehend this. Enjoying such a brutal and violent shows, like rodeos, bullfights and circuses are a part of the human race’s nature.
You can try to convince people not to participate, you can try to promote legislation against those cruel acts, you can demonstrate, you can liberate a few animals, but you can’t change the fact that this is a part of the human race. Humans enjoy humiliating and hurting others - humans and non humans.

Stop fighting the symptoms, deal with the real problem.

* Much of the text taken from the Only One Solution website.

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